Demonstration #2 of an Applet Viewer for Performance Load Testing/Modeling Results

Charting multiple statistics with different units of measure requires using both left and right sides of the chart for Y axes labeling/scaling and often more as is demonstrated with the initial configuration of the applet Viewer on this page.

Example 2. WebLogic 8.1/Grinder Load Test - TPS, Mean time, Successful tests, Errors vs. Workload Threads

In this example, the chart drawing width is reduced slightly to accommodate three Y axes labeling/scaling. The Grinder TPS curve having units of transactions/seconds uses the left side of the chart for its labeling/scaling, since it is added first. As more statistics also with units of transactions/seconds are added, they would share its left Y axes labeling. The Grinder Mean Time statistics with units of milliseconds uses the right side of the chart for its labeling/scaling, since it is added second. Grinder Successful Tests and Errors statistics with units of transactions use the far right side of the chart for their labeling/scaling. To indicate which labeling/scaling applies to the curves, small rectangles filled with the color of the respective curves are drawn above the Y axes labeling/scaling for their curves.

The following instructions help to further demonstrate the operation and features of the multi-statistics charting.

Expand to Full Chart View As mentioned in the previous demonstration, a statistics legend list is added in the full chart view. Click the left arrow of the vertical split-pane separator to expand the chart to the full width of the Viewer and see the statistics legend list on the right. Click the separator's right arrow to make the controls panels visible again.
De-Select a Statistic Statistics curves can be removed from the chart by clicking on their highlighted labels in the Statistics panel. It is instructive to de-select a statistic, which has no other statistics sharing its Y axes labeling, as is the case for Grinder Mean Time in this example. Notice that once a third unit of measure is no longer required, multiple Y axes labeling/scaling on the right side of the chart are no longer present. When a Y axis's units of measure is eliminated the labeling/scaling for the other Y axes shift towards the left Y axis position. When a new unit of measure is added, it always appears on the next available unused chart side from left to right. Too many Y axes are not practical so the current restriction is to allow no more than 4 units of measure.
Grouping Labels in the Statistics Panel The Viewer automatically groups selected (color-highlighted) statistics labels at the top of the Statistics Panel. This grouping functions as a statistics legend box in the expanded controls panel view. Unselected labels are visible below the selected label grouping, allowing the user to select additional statistics for charting.

In contrast, selected input parameter labels are not moved or grouped within the Input Parameters Panel because there can be at most two labels selected, one primary and one secondary X axes. A legend box for selected input parameters is not needed because the X1 and X2 labeling is always present in the bottom margin of the chart.

Next: Applet Viewer Configuration

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